Saturday 5 June 2010

A focus on Open University photos

OU course update
Depth of field

My recent six day trip round the Stourport Ring got in the way of my series on the Newport Canal but more seriously it interrupted my photographic course.

Heron in flight in the Staffs and Worcester

Luckily the course is fairly flexible so I managed to cram  three weeks reading into the week before we left, leaving me with the small task of finding suitable photographic material for submitting when I returned.

Wild poppies beside Diglis Basin

Module four is all about depth of field and using the effect to good advantage. Of course, when you want good subject matter it is elusive, but I managed to pull together four examples I was reasonably pleased with. Most of these photo's contain a watery theme which satisfies the general premise that this is an inland waterways blog.

Terrapin rescued from Wolverhampton Top Lock

Flowers in Wolverley churchyard
5th June 2010

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